December 15, 2011


This month has been yet another busy one with winding things down here in Arizona.  You might be thinking, "winding things down?"  Yes, that's right, we have received approval from our boss to go to Georgia for a bit.  We will be heading out December 22nd to visit with family during the holiday and then we'll actually be staying for almost a month working on support raising there.  We are excited for the opportunity to work on support in Georgia and very excited about seeing family as well!!  It's been a year since seeing family there and this will be the longest time we've had with them in.....well, I don't remember how long - its been years (for me :) )!  We have prayed a lot about going and believe that it is the right thing to do right now.  We will return to Arizona the end of January and from there....we'll see what God does!  We have yet to determine how long we will be be here in Arizona once we get back - before heading back to California to continue with support raising there.  We have been praying about it and know that God will lead us.  It could be anywhere from a week to a few weeks, we don't know.  But right now what we DO know is that we are supposed to wait and trust, He will direct us.  And, we will of course keep you all updated :). 

If you think of us, can you please be praying that we will have safe travels to and from Georgia (we will actually be flying this time - yes, no cross country road trip this Christmas ;) ).  And that our last week here will be good as we continue to prepare to leave.  Thank you!!

Happy early Christmas everyone!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Praying ye on your way, K&K!! Much love! Safe travels! And a very Blessed Christmas to ye!! We miss ye very much!
    Love, Your Mum/Herself
