December 10, 2010

AH life!

It still feels so surreal to be married!  Since arriving back in the states from our mission trip, life has changed...and seems to keep changing ;)...FAST.

Since our flight touched down that - what seems forever ago - day on April 29th in Los Angeles, CA....we've gone from being best friends to best friends that are dating, haha.  We've traveled to Arizona, then back to Cali, to Georgia, to Florida....BACK to Georgia (oh wait, there's more! ;) ....from there we split ways and I spent a month in Orlando getting my things together while Kaleb started work in Nor Cal.  In July, I moved to Nor Cal - and then guess what...someone decided to propose a week later! hehe.  Ah BLISS :).  Then it was off to wedding planning....OH how that can consume a day! ha.

September rolls around and we've applied for staff with Campus Crusade now....and wedding planning is still in full force.

October 30th...our wedding day.....pure JOY :)
 photo by our amazing photographer, Adam Nash

One honeymoon and Thanksgiving later and we get the news we've been waiting for - we are accepted to staff with Campus Crusade!  But it doesn't stop there....

We are now packing up all we own here in Nor Cal, storing it, and will be driving 3,000 miles across the country to Daytona Beach, FL for New Staff Training (NST) with Crusade.  We will be making Florida our new "home" for January and the first part of February.  Then it's back across the country to Nor Cal again where we will stay while we raise our financial support.

Some might become overwhelmed by all this change....but I guess it's safe to say, Kaleb and I like change ;).  This isn't to say we've handled all this perfectly, haha, we've definitely had our moments of, "oh wow, what are doing!?" and "now HOW is this going to work out!?" haha.  But during those times we are constantly reminded about how God continues to care for us!  He has provided for us both time and time again - we can't help but trust He will continue to do the same!

And so, the journey begins.....well, I guess I should say "continues" :) ....

1 comment:

  1. Hi kids! I really like your blog!! It is exciting to see how God has been leading you and bringing your paths to join together! We love you loads and will continue to keep you in our prayers!
    Love, Your Mum and Da
